The Worst And Most Hilarious Makeup Fails On The Internet

In this article we discus about The Worst And Most Hilarious Makeup Fails On The Internet. Let we see different makeup fails. Oh makeup, how simple it looks, but as any cosmetic artist will tell you, it takes ability and practice to do it right.

Hilarious Makeup Fails

There are just so many dreadful things that may go wrong and make you look less like a beautiful goddess and more like a buffoon. Check out some of the funniest and most ludicrous makeup disasters ever; yes, these are all 100% true. Just bad makeup and hairstyles that should serve as a caution to anyone who wants to go overboard with their going-out routine—no photoshop, no costumes for Halloween.

Were You Going For The One Eyebrow Look?

This is how to give the appearance of having a unibrow if you’ve ever wondered how to accomplish it. Although we’re not entirely sure why you would want to harm oneself in this way. Unfortunately, there are so many things wrong with this woman’s cosmetics.

Were You Going For The One Eyebrow Look?

Her eyebrows are haphazardly drawn in, her foundation is a peach-colored catastrophe, and strangely the lack of foundation around the eyebrows makes her appear even worse. Yikes!

Where Do We Even Start?

Let’s begin with a straightforward inquiry: Who in the world applied her makeup? Sadly, this woman’s face is a nightmare, so whoever did this needs to find another employment. 

Where Do We Even Start?

Despite her best efforts, the MAU was unable to make the woman’s features stand out in any way. This woman is really stunning sans the orange foundation, eerie brows, and hairy lashes; the makeup needs to be taken off right now!

When The Before Photo Is Actually Better

Let’s begin by praising the woman’s appearance on the left. Her red hair complements her skin, and her freckles give her a distinctive appearance.

When The Before Photo Is Actually Better

But when I looked at the picture on the right, not only is the makeup awful, but she doesn’t even look like her! Her beautiful skin is hidden by the cakey brown makeup. Why do people purposefully dress to resemble mannequins?

Terrible Makeup, Celebrity Edition

Celebrities are like us, exactly as they say in the tabloids! Tyra Banks, J.Lo, and Drew Barrymore aren’t the only ones who undergo poor makeovers, it turns out.

Terrible Makeup, Celebrity Edition

Nobody is protected from the awful makeup artists of the world, who use eye shadow that looks like you were punched in the face and cakey foundation.

Are Your Eyes Okay?

This one is so horrible it’s difficult to look at. Let’s take a closer look at the many issues with this woman’s cosmetics. First of all, did the makeup artist truly believe that the combination of pink and white eyeshadow was appropriate for wearing in a public setting?

Are Your Eyes Okay?

What’s up with those eyebrows that seem like caterpillars? It doesn’t help that part of the foundation ended up on her uniform collar, even if it is the least of her issues.

Why Did You Do This?

For real, we are at a loss for words. Why would someone want thick, colored eyebrows? Is this a recent trend? Because it’s not, as far as we can tell. In either case, it looks very silly and extremely unattractive.

Why Did You Do This?

This woman, who is promoting her business with her enormous eyebrows, is a local celebrity in Yakutsk, the capital of the Sakha Republic in Russia.

Let’s Hope This Was For A Costume

These kinds of images genuinely make us wonder about humanity. Who would subject themselves to this or allow someone else to subject them to this? The image of the woman on the left is quite attractive.

Let's Hope This Was For A Costume

She didn’t have to modify herself to resemble a shoddy doll. Let’s just hope this was a costume, with the zombie-like foundation, bloated lips, and eerie eyebrows.

Better Luck Next Time

This woman appears to have gone to a makeup artist in an effort to have her eye shadow match the image she is holding up on her phone, and judging by the expression on her face, we can understand why she is upset about the way she looks.

Better Luck Next Time

However, as you can tell from her face, the makeup artist performed a terrible job, and the final product does not resemble the picture. Ouch.

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